Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Let Your Nose Help You Turn Back the Clock!

In just a few short weeks, Daylight Saving Time will be over -- meaning it will be time to "fall back" and set all of the clocks one hour earlier.  That means the sun is going to come out earlier, and the night darkness is going to emerge one hour sooner.

Yes, it's only an hour, but that hour can have a huge effect on you!
Health experts admit that people can have trouble adjusting their internal clocks to a new time, even if it's just an hour.  For example, in a few weeks, you'll be going to bed an hour earlier than what you're used to -- meaning it's more likely you're going to toss and turn, and thus, lose out on valuable sleep.

Luckily, we've thought of a great solution!
Since everyone seems to go into a little bit of a temporary fog whenever the clocks change, why not use the power of scent?  Specifically, our scented towels can help you feel more refreshed and alert -- even if you're running a little low on sleep.

But don't just use our scented towels to wake up.  
Use them to help you fall asleep, too!
Studies have shown that lavender (like the essential oil you'll find in our scented towels) can slow down your heart rate, slow down your blood pressure, and lower your stress level -- all of which help you fall asleep.  And, as an added benefit, lavender has also been shown to change brain wave just enough so that you sleep deeper.  That way, you'll get more bang for your sleep buck!

So, don't let Daylight Saving Time get you down.  All you need to get through it is a little help from your nose!

#Lavender #LavenderOil #DaylightSavings

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