Monday, October 21, 2013

Lemon Scented Towels in the Winter? Absolutely!

Lemon is often thought of as the classic summer scent.  After all, we associate it with a pitcher of fresh-squeezed lemonade, those light and airy lemon meringue pies, and the lemon wedge that comes next to all of that fresh summertime fish.

However, lemons are just as great in the winter… Maybe even more so!

After all, most people are looking for a little pick-me-up when the mercury dips and the snow starts to fall.  The sun goes down earlier, and you're stuck driving home from work in the dark.  It's enough to make anyone feel a little out of sorts!

And that's where the lemons come in.

Grab one of our lemon scented towels, close your eyes, take a sniff, and you'll instantly be transported to warmer, friendlier days.  Instead of thinking about that pitch-black commute and the black ice on the roads, you'll be transported to your old summer days -- back when you would spend hours running through the backyard barefoot, letting the grass tickle your feet, and washing all of the fun down with a glass of Grandma's homemade lemonade.  Or, maybe you'll think of those warm Saturday mornings, when you jump out of bed to get a head start on your garden.

No matter what you think about, it will be a whole lot more fun than the cold, damp winter around you!

Best of all, you can take this feeling with you anywhere.  Since all of our scented towels are individually wrapped and pre-moistened, you can whip one out whenever you need it -- like when you're stuck in traffic, after that stuffy company holiday party, or right after you finish shoveling the walkway.

Who knew lemons could be the perfect winter treat?!

#Lemon #LemonTowels #LemonScented

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