Friday, July 12, 2013

4 Awesome Uses for Scented Towels You Haven't Thought Of

4 Awesome Uses for Scented Towels You Haven't Thought Of

If you think our scented towels are only great for a cross-country airline trip, think again.  We've come up with 4 not-so-common but equally-awesome ways to use them!

Go ahead and pass them out as:

1.  Wedding favors

If you want to give your guests a treat that they can use to cool off during your ceremony by the sea (or, maybe, to fight off the post-reception hangover!), scented towels are a great idea.  They're refreshing, luxurious, and innovative -- the same things you want everyone to think about your wedding!

2.  Post-marathon gifts

If your best friend just made it through 26.2 miles -- and crossed a major milestone off of her Bucket List to boot -- why not give her the gift of luxury?  Since our scented towels are all pre-moistened, they'll provide a cool post-run treat.  The scent will offer her some instant rejuvenation amidst the post-run exhaustion.  And, if you give her some to use later, she can heat them up and use them to soothe her aching muscles.  Does it get any better than that?!

3.  Volunteer treats

If your non-profit agency just completed a kick-butt fundraising event, you've probably got a bunch of tired, sweaty volunteers!  If you want to truly show your appreciation for all of their hard work, give them something they can use to pamper themselves.

4.  Picnic finishing touches

So you've enjoyed a yummy meal out in the country… now what?  If you're like us, you hate the thought of using paper moist towelettes (after all, they're bad for the environment and not exactly soft on your skin!).  So, clean up and cool off with a scented towel instead!

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